
05 August 2014

The Prodigal Vette

Well, well, well, the prodigal Vette returns. After a year at the body/paint shop the Vette is back in my garage. Not too much to post here - just letting anyone who's still following that I'm back in the game and will be working on the project in the coming months.

First in priority is sorting out parts piles that I've been neglecting and getting the garage organized for work. Next - get the radiator and battery in and wiring installed so it will be running and can be moved round under its own power. Windshield, interior, headlight assemblies (if you know C3 Vettes, you know what a task that is), yada - yada - yada, ad nauseum.

Oh, in case I haven't mentioned - the paint is freakin' awesome. The pix do not do it justice.

The first three pix are outside Miguel's garage while we were waiting for the guy who had Miguel's trailer to show up. He was stuck in traffic in NJ. So, we called his regular tow guy - he was home already, it was late, and he didn't want an extra $100. We finally got a tow company to flat bed it to my house, getting there around 11:00 pm.

L - Alex, Miguel's son. R - Miguel.

Safely home in my garage.

Stand by for updates.

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