
05 August 2011

As work continues, I can now say that, with the exception of the engine block and heads and the tranny, I have dissassembled and/or inspected and repaired/rebuilt every sub assembly on the car.

This post is in draft and will have continual updates until a major task is accomplished.
(They all seem major, though)

While I've been waiting for VetteAid to finish the custom speedo/tach/gauge kit with custom modded dash/AC/wiper motor/engine compartment wiring harness, I'm been working on stuff at the rear of the cabin, cleaning/removing old carpet backing and glue, etc.  I need to wait for the new harness set up before I install the firewall insulation, pedal assemblies, steering column,etc. since the new harness configuration will eliminate the need for some, if not most, of the holes in the fire wall. Once all this is done, the front of the cab can be assembled to the point the car can be started, driven back and forth in the driveway/garage, and systems checks can be conducted.  Meanwhile.....

Repairing/rebuilding the steering column; sleeve needed repainting, required the disassembling of the steering column.  I already had the column out of the car, so it was that much easier to partially disassemble it.  It needed a new lower bearing retainer and cap and it looks like it might need new components for the ignition switch rod. 

VettAid is adding to the interior harness an alarm w/fob that will disable the computer and activate the alarm. It will also replace the ignition key with a push button starter and a hidden power/kill switch.  The push button starter replaces the factory ignition lock/starter on the column and the hidden power/kill switch will be....well, that's for me to know. This also replaces the factory alarm so I filled in the alarm switch hole in the rear of the body and I don't need the new ignition lock and other replacement/repair parts I've ordered.  I don't have power door locks, so I'll still have to use a key to unlock/open the doors.  However, the system allows me to add power door locks later if I want.

While the gas tank is out and I could access it, I patched the holes in the rear cabin bulkhead that a previous owner (PO) had cut into them in order to mount speakers. It was a stupid idea on his part; the back of the speakers were exposed to the elements.  I will mount rear speakers in home made brackets - mo' to follow.

One of the speaker holes w/fiberglass patch curing.  View is from where the gas tank mounts.

Installed the e-brake handle yesterday.  I had already installed the new front and rear cables way back when I assembled the suspension.  Of course, new e-brakes came with the new VBP rear training arms and spindles/bearings.

Got the gas tank installed and the fuel pump (FP) test run yesterday....but not after another 2 steps forward - 1 1/2 steps back episode.  In the earlier post on building the gas tank/fuel system, I show how I installed the F-body FP. What I didn't detail was building the wiring harness for it. Since the '73 had a mechanical FP, there is no power/ground lead in the rear body wiring harness.  So, I built one by connecting wires to the pwr and gnd leads on the female connector and placing a bayonet connector on the end of the pwr lead and a ring connector on the gnd lead.  During some of the test starts the old connector needed to jiggled to get a positive connection, so I bought a new GM/Delco connector and rebuilt the wiring harness.  If you've removed/installed a C3 gas tank, you know there is some difficulty getting the bolts at the rear of the hold down straps started.  Outside of that, it's a fairly simple task.....but, when the car is only 18" off the ground because you don't have a lift AND it's about 85% humidity at ~90°.  Anyway, somehow I managed to hook my elbow on the ground wire, separating the butt connector in the pretty wiring loom I built, which, of course, was located on the top of the tank, requiring the tank to be dropped again, AFTER everything was connected and tightened up...AAARRRRGGHH!!

Reply to comment by Anonymous:
Well, I'm no where near being pathfinder. There are dozens of guys who have done this before me. A couple of them were instrumental in helping me get started and guiding me through my initial steps. If you haven't yet, you should check the Corvette Forum. In the C3 Tech section is a sticky that has a ton of info. Here's the link:

Yes, I need to start vendor/parts list. I've been meaning to do it...and intend to.....

On the "shoulda dones", I'll try to back track and update some posts with that info. I do explain in a few posts in this blog. I really did intend to document my work in more detail with pix and notes, but the way I am, I start working and forget about stopping to write and take pix. There have been so many times that I've said, "Damn, I shoulda taken pix!!".

I'm going to be out of town for a few weeks and I'm still waiting on the VettAid custom guages/dash harness/security system/electric start/etc. before I can do anymore major work.