First start up. After almost three years of disuse, the motor fired on the first crank and blew just a puff of black smoke.I disconnected the plug wires and turned the motor over with the starter a few times to get the oil moving. The video clip is poor quality and there's some down time in it since I don't have the Quick time editting software. Watch the first 30 seconds, fast forward to 1:50 then watch the rest. The lighting is bad so
I added some still pix to show the jury rig set up. I used an ignition switch from NAPA to start it and used jumpers for power to the starter. There's no exhaust hooked up, just the manifold and the LS2 adapter pipes from Vetteworksonline. During the last run I'm testing the drive-by-wire (DBW) accelerator pedal.
A good 60 lbs on the fuel pressure guage.